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We’ve evaluated specific extension tools such as the Good Bulls Guide and HerdData apps. We’ve also been involved in the evaluation of extension projects such as CowTime and Dealing With Today, Planning for Tomorrow.

HerdData App: We implemented an online survey and designed and oversaw in depth interviews with users of the HerdData app to identify priorities for future enhancements and user support needs.

Good Bulls App: We used Bennett’s Hierarchy to evaluate the value of the Good Bulls App which was developed to give dairy farmers a tool to compare bulls that meet their breeding priorities.

CowTime was an extension project aimed at making milking easier for dairy farmers. Each 3-year funding cycle was evaluated using Bennett’s Hierarchy. As part of the project team, we helped identify evaluation criteria, collect evidence through the delivery period, document the impact through farmer case studies and collate for the final and short reports. We also used the Most Significant Change methodology.