0419 349 244

Examples of our work

Stakeholder research

As well as undertaking research for communication planning and evaluation, we have undertaken specific research projects to help clients better understand their stakeholders and to understand the barriers and drivers of implementing best farming practices.

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National Beef Genetics Extension Network

We were commissioned by Meat and Livestock Australia to develop a framework for a national extension network to improve the genetic merit of the Australian beef cattle herd. Our model focussed on broadening the impact of beef genetics extension into commercial herds.

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Extension projects

We’ve worked with many national projects to develop extension strategies, create technical resources, deliver and promote activities, and evaluate impact. We are particularly passionate about understanding user needs and crafting messages for specific audiences. We are strong advocates for testing extension tools on real world users before launching.

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Communication strategies

We develop communication strategies and resources to support extension programs. Sometimes we are just asked to create and deliver an awareness program, other times we work closely with the extension team to create resources and integrate communication and extension activities.

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We’ve been involved in the evaluation of extension projects such as CowTime and Dealing With Today, Planning for Tomorrow. We’ve also evaluated specific extension tools such as the Good Bulls Guide and HerdData apps.

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Presentation training

When you are passionate about your work, it’s easy to forget your audience doesn’t have the same level of technical knowledge. Monks Communication and Bluesee offer customised training workshops that give you the confidence to deliver presentations with a lasting impact.

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Videos can add pizazz to your communication package. We can help you work out what you want to communicate and take care of all aspects of production for you.

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Tech Notes, fact sheets

The key to successful information sheets is to customise the content for the specific audience. We will often prepare a Tech Note (for advisers), a Fact Sheet (for farmers) and a flyer/postcard (for awareness) on the same topic

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Case studies

Research consistently shows that people prefer to learn through the experiences of their peers. A single case study can be reformatted and distributed through a variety of media (including social and video), with digital links to relevant online-resources.

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Technical guidelines

We can turn your idea for technical guidelines into reality. We can help with project management, overseeing contributors, technical writing and brokering a discussion between experts to reach an ‘agreed body of knowledge’ on a specilast topic.

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